Sep 7, 2021

Kathairos Solutions Advances in $50M Clean Resource Innovation Network Competition

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Kathairos has emerged as the leading North American solution for methane elimination from pneumatics, with more than 1,000 systems in operation across North America and over 40 major oil and gas producer partners.

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CALGARY, Alberta, September 7, 2021 — The Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN) has invited Kathairos Solutions to submit a full proposal for the $3.36 million “Simple Methane Elimination Using Nitrogen” project as part of the second phase of CRIN’s $50 million Reducing Environmental Footprint competition.

The Kathairos project will completely eliminate methane venting from 40 remote oil and gas locations through the simple installation of a liquid nitrogen system at each location. The innovative Kathairos solution uses nitrogen – a clean, non-polluting gas – to operate pneumatic devices at remote locations, allowing producers to conserve gas while eliminating all greenhouse gas emissions from pneumatic devices. No on-site power generation is required.

“The technology is simple, reliable and affordable, and can quickly be scaled to address the challenge of methane venting from the 100,000+ remote locations in Western Canada,” said Dick Brown, President & CEO of Kathairos Solutions Inc.

The project will focus on building Kathairos’ nitrogen distribution network and eliminating emissions from small (1-well and 2-well) remote locations.

“While smaller locations make up the large majority (~80%) of all remote locations in Western Canada,” Brown highlights, “there has yet to be a zero-emissions solution for these locations in a way that is economical to producers. The potential of the Kathairos solution is huge.”

37,440 tonnes of CO2e will be eliminated over the course of the two-year project.

The Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN) is a Canada-wide network focused on ensuring Canada’s energy resources can be sustainably developed for the global energy supply. The Reducing Environmental Footprint competition, one of three CRIN technology competitions currently underway, is designed to advance technology solutions for high-priority environmental challenges across the oil and gas industry with the intent to export technologies internationally and for application with Canada’s industrial sector.

More detail on each of CRIN’s technology competitions can be found at

September 7, 2021

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