Using Nitrogen to Power Flowback Operations: One tank, 22 days, 55 MT CO2e avoided
Learn how PennEnergy Resources is using the Kathairos solution to replace methane-powered dump valve separators with nitrogen during flowback.
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System Size
5,500L liquid nitrogen tank
Nitrogen Required
80,000 scf N2 utilized
Emissions Avoided
102,000 scf methane
PennEnergy Resources, Pittsburgh, PA
Site Type:
New multi-well pads in the Marcellus Basin
Replace methane-powered dump valve separators and associated methane emissions during flowback phase of drilling and completion
PennEnergy has been working with Kathairos to utilize nitrogen systems on their well pads to run their pneumatic devices and eliminate all vented methane emissions. After experiencing the simplicity and reliability of the liquid nitrogen solution, the forward-thinking operator approached Kathairos to discuss a further emissions elimination opportunity during flowback operations.
The company performs several flowback operations each year and regularly hires a third-party company to perform the service. Historically, the dump valves on the three large separators utilized during the flowback operations are run through well head gas. However, due to significant amounts of liquids flowing back during the three to six-week operation, the amount of methane emitted is significant and something that PennEnergy began deploying solutions toward.
The third-party provider shifted to the use of instrument air compressors to run the pneumatic valves, but due to the large demand and heavy workload of the compressor, they experienced regular failures of these packages, with costs passed on to PennEnergy.
Brilliantly, PennEnergy approached Kathairos to inquire about the use of a single large nitrogen tank to power the process instead.

Request the whitepaper to learn how PennEnergy conceived of the novel solution, how it performed during the pilot project, and what has happened since.
Book a call with our team to learn how Kathairos can help you on your path to net zero production.
- North America-wide coverage
- Zero capital investment
- Immediate methane abatement