Profoundly simple well site methane elimination

Kathairos is leading North American oil and gas producers on the path to eliminate pneumatic venting on more than 600,000 remote well sites. Reliable, economical methane mitigation is here, and the time to act is now.

Enormous challenge. powerful solution.

Methane venting is the most pressing emissions issue facing the oil and gas industry. Producers require a technology that can effectively solve the problem at the speed and scale necessary to meet regulatory deadlines.

"An innovative yet simple solution to completely eliminate methane emissions on pneumatic controllers and significantly reduce maintenance of that process."

John Landis
Production Manager, Northeast Natural Energy
Eliminated to Date 28:1

North American well sites require conversion to zero-vent by 2030

"The operators in the field really love nitrogen. It’s so simple – you just tie it in and it runs itself."

jerry Dismukes
Air Quality Manager, Caerus Oil & Gas

Midland Texas Well Sites
Unelectrified single-well pads
Kathairos tanks on a trailer
The Kathairos Solution

The backbone of our technology: liquid nitrogen

  • Powered exclusively by thermodynamics
  • inert off-grid power source
  • NO maintenance or moving parts
  • empirical, accurate abatement data
Kathairos tank

“Without question, this is the best solution to eliminate methane emissions from pneumatic pumps.”

Darrell Hughes, Bruin Pumps

Transformational fuel-switching technology

The Kathairos system stores liquid nitrogen in a standalone cryogenic tank and vaporizes it into clean, dry, inert nitrogen gas to actuate well site pneumatics at exactly the volume and pressure required.

our Technology

Cross-continental coverage

Kathairos’ North America-wide liquid nitrogen distribution network pairs our extensive field personnel and vehicle fleet with a wide array of air separation units and localized storage systems. The result: trusted remote operations and ample, affordable nitrogen supply.

Our Service Network

Methane mitigation for every size of site

Versatile, adaptable, sustainable – anywhere methane gas is being used as a high-pressure fuel source, the Kathairos solution provides the ideal off-grid powerdrive replacement system.


No capital outlay, no equipment burden

Thanks to our flexible monthly tank rental and refill model, adopting the Kathairos solution requires no capital investment or asset ownership, and no ongoing service requirements or replacement costs.

THE Economics
Kathairos tank with chart next to it showing nitrogen amounts

Empirical decarbonization data, not estimates

Kathairos' closed system uses the nitrogen volume consumed to accurately calculate abated emissions – an empirical data set that informs methane intensity, tax exposure, carbon credits, ESG reports, and certifiable sustainability progress.

Data INSIGHTS & Offsets

A selection of the 50+ North American operators we are proud to be working with

Operational performance meets environmental excellence

The Kimray-Kathairos partnership combines decades of trusted leadership in well site control systems with unparalleled emissions management.

Learn more about Kimray, fueled by Kathairos

Operating in every major North American basin

our reach & reliability

The Kathairos solution has been deployed on thousands of sites by dozens of US and Canadian producers who have welcomed its simplicity, efficiency and reliability at the field level, and scalability, data accuracy and economic viability at the executive level.

Illustrated map of North America
Marcellus, Utica
Marcellus, Utica
Anadarko, Barnett
Anadarko, Barnett
Eagle Ford
Eagle Ford
Piceance, Uinta, San Juan
Piceance, Uinta, San Juan
Niobrara, D-J
Niobrara, D-J
Green River
Green River
Powder River
Powder River
Bakken, Williston
Bakken, Williston
Southern Alberta
Southern Alberta
Central Alberta
Central Alberta
Peace River Arch
Peace River Arch

"Our name means 'clean air' and we are proud to champion imperative solutions that support today's evolving energy industry, and the people and producers working tirelessly toward a more sustainably sourced product."

dick brown, president & CEO, kathairos
tCO2e eliminated to date (28:1)
our Carbon Accounting

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